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Zasłony przeciwsłoneczne na tylne boczne drzwi - 2 szt do E91 touring

Year of production: 2004 - 2012
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0 reviews
Product description:
The set consists of:
2 pcs - two for the rear side windows
230.00 zł
207.00 zł
59.80 $
53.82 $
55.20 €
49.68 €
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delivery methods
Personal pickup (Warsaw, PL)
Poland🇵🇱, Warsaw, ul. Płochocińska, 35
For free
DPD courier
Estimated delivery time is usually 1-2 days (🇲🇨 Poland)
From 15 zł
From 4 $
From 4 €
Estimated delivery time is usually 2-3 days (🇩🇪 Germany)
55 zł
14 $
13 €
Delivery Polish Post
Estimated delivery time is usually 7 days (🇪🇺 European Union)
50 zł
13 $
12 €
Estimated delivery time is usually 10 days (🏴otworo...Monio/Movie/Movie Other 27 countries)
100 zł
26 $
24 €
Payment methods
Cash on delivery
Cash (Only for pickup)
Transfers 24
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Zasłony przeciwsłoneczne na tylne boczne drzwi - 2 szt do E91 touring
In stock
230.00 zł
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Curtains are made to order and completely cover the car window. The set of curtains includes everything you need for self-assembly:

Zasłony przeciwsłoneczne na tylne boczne drzwi - 2 szt do E91 touring
Zasłony przeciwsłoneczne na tylne boczne drzwi - 2 szt do E91 touring
In stock
230.00 zł
207.00 zł
59.80 $
53.82 $
55.20 €
49.68 €
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Zasłony przeciwsłoneczne na tylne boczne drzwi - 2 szt do E91 touring
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0 reviews
Zasłony przeciwsłoneczne na tylne boczne drzwi - 2 szt do E91 touring
In stock
230.00 zł
207.00 zł
59.80 $
53.82 $
55.20 €
49.68 €
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Frequently Asked Questions

Questions & Answers
Is it possible to make such curtains for the windshield?
We do not produce windshield curtains.
Will I install the curtains myself?
Yes, the curtains can be installed by yourself according to the Instructions that you will receive in the set with the product.
I couldn't find an offer for my car.
If you have not found a set of curtains for your car on our website, please contact us. It is possible to sign up for a measurement. The measurement is made at our company's headquarters within 45 minutes. Further production of a set of curtains takes about 3 working days.
Do you assemble on site in Warsaw on Płochocińska. How much extra for installation?
Yes, we assemble curtains in a stationary store free of charge, after making an appointment for assembly.
Do I need an account in the store to make a purchase?
No, you can shop as a "guest". However, we encourage you to set up an account because the next time you shop, you won't have to fill in all the shipping or invoice details again.
Can I place an order by e-mail?
Yes, for this purpose write to
Frequently Asked Inquiries